Vineyard Mechanic

Southern Premium Vineyards
Griffith, New South Wales, Australia


Southern Premium Vineyards (SPV) owns and operates wine grape vineyards in Australia’s finest and most productive wine grape regions including the Barossa Valley, Clare and Limestone Coast regions of South Australia and the Riverina in New South Wales. Established in 2021, SPV offers wine producers a grape supply solution for their wine grape sourcing as an alternative to owning or leasing vineyards. SPV is wholly owned by the Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments) and sits within its Natural Resources Group.


We are seeking a qualified diesel mechanic or general mechanic with diesel/agricultural equipment and welding experience to join our maintenance team. Reporting to the Maintenance Manager, you will be responsible for the maintenance of our extensive fleet of vineyard equipment including tractors, tow-behind harvesters, self-propelled harvesters, vineyards sprayers and motor vehicles. Maintenance activities will be conducted both in the workshop and in the field. We are interested in candidates with previous experience in repair, design, modifications and overhauling of vineyard and agricultural equipment and machinery.


You will be keen to utilise your experience and expertise in agricultural machinery mechanics and have previous exposure to equipment, tractor and grape harvester maintenance.

You are someone with a strong work ethic, great time management, attention to detail, and a steadfast commitment to safety and product quality.

You will possess a qualification in diesel mechanics, or you have extensive experience gained on the job in similar positions. Training and support will be provided, as is an excellent salary, benefits and tools of trade.