Vehicle Painters / Panel Beaters

Employ Me
Australian Capital Territory, Australia
$80,000 - $85,000 yearly
Vehicle Painters / Panel Beaters

Job ad start date: 26/11/24
Job ad close date 26/12/24

Fyshwick ACT
Full Time Salary $80,000 - $85,000 + Super

Prepare surfaces of vehicles, match and mix colours and apply paint.


  • Removing rough spots on vehicle panels
  • Sanding surfaces by hand and with power sanders
  • Masking areas not to be painted with tape and paper
  • Colour matching and mixing paints to match paint shades, and selecting pre-mixed paint
  • Applying primer and finishing coats using spray-guns, and sanding surfaces between coats
  • Touching up paintwork and applying polish to vehicles
  • Removing masking papers, and waxing and polishing finished paintwork
  • Painting signs and artwork on vehicles
  • Treating vehicles with rust-proofing chemicals

Additional Requirements / Skills Preferred
Repair damage to metal, fiberglassΒ and plastic body work on vehicles, and form replacement vehicle panels.
Tasks might include but not limited to:

  • Removing damaged panels and parts, and removing upholstery and accessories to gain access
  • Removing dents by hammering panels
  • Straightening damaged vehicles and parts using mechanical and hydraulic equipment
  • Replacing badly damaged sections with new or second-hand panels
  • Filling depressions with plastic filler, and filing, grinding and sanding repaired surfaces
  • Cutting and joining replacement sections using welding equipment
  • Fitting repaired or replacement panels on vehicles and refitting body hardware such as door locks and trims
  • May assist vehicle body builders in constructing and restoring custom-designed, vintage and other specialty vehicles

Salary Range: $80,000 - $85,000 + Super